Hybrid is a fully-loaded vehicle that drives you through a new leadership environment,
where leaders must learn how to lead and manage their people, institute and facilitate
organizational change, and generate successful outcomes for their businesses while managing remote and hybrid employees. By looking at leadership and organizational change theory through a new lens, Hybrid teaches current and future leaders how to lead effective and successful companies in a new and uncharted work environment with a workforce increasingly sent out of the board room and into the living room.
Leadership gurus such as Dr. John C. Maxwell, Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. Urie
Bronfenbrenner, and Dr. John Kotter have already laid the foundation for us provided us. It’s now our obligation to translate these into leading hybrid and fully remote teams. Proven leadership and organizational change theory show us the recipes for success in this space! We, as leaders, have to take a look at the ingredients, figure out which ones we need, and adjust the recipe as necessary – Hybrid shows you how to do that.